Cities today face many competing demands. They must ensure enough food and water to sustain growing populations, plan to adapt and mitigate impacts of climate change, and build attractive urban centres. Financing projects in citie...
June 23, 2017
The Sustainable Development Goals are driving us to ambitious outcomes, one of which is to guarantee access to safe drinking water and sanitation for all. In Buenos Aires, Argentina, achieving universalization of both services mea...
June 14, 2017
The world is becoming more urban, and so, many reason, the challenge of sustainability will be largely won or lost in cities. A decisive factor for cities inherently in flux to be sustainable will be their adaptive capacity to ret...
June 8, 2017
“When the future of water is in your hands, you act decisively to make every drop count” The official tagline of the Philippine Young Water Professionals (PYWP) was adopted as our group’s collective vision. Four years ago, t...
May 24, 2017
As the global population climbs toward 9 billion, rivers will experience tremendous pressure. To provide the necessary resources for our growing communities, more river flows will be diverted for agriculture and industry, stored f...
Our daily life is full of indicators: from GDP providing an indication of economic health, to grades in school to show how a student has performed, to body temperature confirming whether or not a patient has a fever. But, what are...
May 17, 2017
The current drought ravaging parts of Eastern Africa and the subsequent famine triggered largely by failed rains is enough proof that water indeed is life. The lack of sufficient water in the environment will not only threaten the...
May 10, 2017
Public participation, as customer engagement, user involvement, accountability or transparency, is a concept increasingly discussed among water professionals. It aims to strengthening the relationship between water authorities and...
May 9, 2017
Satellites have a long history, with the American writer, Edward Everett Hale, writing speculative fiction containing the first known depiction of an artificial satellite to measure longitude in The Brick Moon, back in 1869. Durin...