Marko Grčić December 22, 2015
Bucharest, Romania
Orlando Borges and Ana Barreto Albuquerque December 5, 2017
Read this story in English A Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas (UNGA) reconheceu o acesso à água potável e ao saneamento como direito humano em 2010; em 2...
Diana Guio October 16, 2015
Recently, 193 governments signed the most ambitious agenda for humanity yet: the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Water plays a fundamental role in all asp...
Samuela Guida April 21, 2021
The city of South Bend, Indiana, installed Xylem’s BLU-X™ Wastewater Network solution to seek to avoid flooding. This solution is a distributed real-...
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