October 24, 2019
El XII Foro Iberoamericano de Regulación (FIAR) y la XIX Asamblea de la Asociación de Entes Reguladores de Agua y Saneamiento de las Américas (ADERASA), celebrados en Cartagena, Colombia, resaltan la importancia del recurso agu...
October 24, 2019
The 2019 Water and Development Congress is jampacked with so many insightful activities. Here we’re suggesting a few. To view the full programme, click here: https://www.waterdevelopmentcongress.org/programme-2019/
October 11, 2019
Three new IWA Young Water Professionals (YWP) Chapters have been launched in Congo DRC and the Czech Republic (YWP CZ) and Poland on 28 September and 4 October and 18 October 2019. The new IWA YWP chapters are open to all respecti...
October 10, 2019
 Dr. Helena Alegre shares her personal IWA story in this video, her growth as a member in IWA through her consistent and active engagement with the IWA and her attendance to our international, biannual congresses as well as par...
October 9, 2019
AquaRating focuses on the challenges that water and sanitation utilities face in a comprehensive way, evaluating their performance through indicators and management practices, establishing an international standard; and relying on...
October 7, 2019
By 2015 most of the countries in Latin America and the Caribbean had reached the Millenium Development Goals, however, according to the more ambitious targets of the Sustainable Development Goals, the region is still far from secu...
Glyphosate application in Sri Lankan agricultural Lands: do we circumvent Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown etiology? Chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology (CKDu) has been a critical health concern, particularly in the North ...
October 4, 2019
2019 marks the 20th anniversary of the creation of the International Water Association. The wisdom of that act, of building on the long heritage of our predecessor organisations and forming a new entity spanning water interests, g...
October 3, 2019
Diane D'Arras – The Future from IWA on Vimeo. President of the International Water Association, Diane D’Arras, outlines the main actors and axes that can determine the water-wise status of a city. She states that ...
October 3, 2019
Lisbon, Portugal, 03. October 2019. The 2019 election process for the International Water Association Strategic Council has been concluded and the IWA Board of Directors has endorsed the results. Thirteen members of the previous C...