October 6, 2017
Being involved in organising the 8th International Young Water Professional’s Conference has been quite a rollercoaster ride. Initially, everything seemed to be going right – we were awarded a substantial grant by South Africa...
October 5, 2017
Rapid urbanization is one of the defining global trends of our time, with both positive and negative impacts. Increasing concentrations of population create challenges to supply enough resources including food, energy and water. ...
October 4, 2017
IWA Leaders gathered in Prague late in September for various institutional meetings including the Board of Directors, Strategic Council and Governing Assembly (including the Annual General Meeting). It also provided an opportunity...
October 3, 2017
Water is a key element for citizens and for the overall liveability of a city. The Lyon Metropolis benefits from abundant resources from the Rhône River and the associated groundwater, supplying its inhabitants with clean and saf...
October 2, 2017
Since 1990 an additional 2.1 billion people worldwide gained access to improved sanitation and, 91% of the global population now use improved drinking water sources. However, those who have access to Water and Sanitation Services ...
September 18, 2017
Water security is one of the most critical issues confronting countries and cities today. The pressures of rapid urbanisation, declining water quality, growing water demand and climate change, are driving water to the top of the p...
Climate change
September 4, 2017
The flood and Drought Management Tools project (fdmt.iwlearn.org/) is developing a decision support system (DSS) with appropriate technical applications facilitating the inclusion of information about floods, droughts and future s...
September 1, 2017
IWA and C40 are joining efforts to connect water professionals and city officials to support, promote and enable progressive water-related solutions that contribute to adaptation and mitigation of climate change impacts at a city-...
August 31, 2017
This November, Argentina will host the Water and Development Congress, organized by the International Water Association (IWA), an event that will attract leading experts in the field around the globe. We believe that an event of t...
High levels of water losses in distribution systems (both real and apparent losses) continue to burden water companies and customers around the world: water losses vary from very low to unsustainably high. Pressure management, and...