November 27, 2018
Regulation, an essential tool in the quest for universal service delivery and the achievement of the SDGs Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 27 November 2018. The city of Rio de Janeiro is hosting for the first time the Rio Water Week, from ...
November 22, 2018
Strasbourg and SDEA join the water-wise movement The French city of Strasbourg and the regional provider of drinking water and sanitation services, the Syndicat des Eaux et de l’Assainissement Alsace-Moselle (SDEA) assert th...
November 19, 2018
IWA and IHE Delft create synergies to stimulate a new wave of sanitation professionals around the world Agreement on a new partnership for early and mid-career sanitation professionals worldwide   Delft, Netherlands, 19 Novem...
November 14, 2018
The International Water Association (IWA) is very pleased to announce the appointment of new IWA Fellows and Distinguished Fellows. These individual water professionals are being recognized by their peers for their sustained outst...
November 13, 2018
Today many cities around the world have been facing great change pressures of increasing demands due to population growth, urbanization, influx of displaced people, climate change with hydrological extremes such as floods and drou...
November 12, 2018
  Fortalecimiento de la red de reguladores de agua y saneamiento en América Latina y el Caribe Los profesionales y reguladores del agua unen fuerzas para impulsar el desarrollo del sector del agua en la región For English c...
November 9, 2018
 Strengthening of water and sanitation regulator network in Latin America and the Caribbean Water professionals and regulators join to boost development in the regional water sector   Para español haga click aqui   Gu...
November 7, 2018
Placing a jar of faeces on a pedestal next to him, philanthropist Bill Gates made a plea Tuesday for the safe disposal of human waste as he kicked off the “Reinvented Toilet” Expo in China. “You might guess what’s ...
October 31, 2018
The IWA bridges knowledge communities with a stake in water in Chennai to establish the priorities for the IWA India Chapter. Chennai, India, 25th October 2018 – In an effort to bridge knowledge and expertise with leadership and...
October 30, 2018
The invention of the “well” was a revolutionary breakthrough that has been frequently overlooked. This cradle of freshwater was the key to the growth and development of inland communities dating back nearly 10,000 years, that&...