
IWA governance, policies and procedures documents

The International Water Association is registered in England as a charity (No. 1076690) and a company limited by guarantee (No. 3597005).

IWA’s Governing Assembly is held annually and is the standing committee of its Governing Members. The Governing Assembly determines the Association’s broad objectives, elects its Officers and advises the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors is composed of Officers (President, Senior Vice President, and Vice President), Other Officeholders, and the Executive Director. It manages the business and sets the strategic direction of the Association in accordance with the Articles.

Other key bodies include: the Finance and Investment Committee, which reviews and advises the Board on matters relating to financial management, investment and remuneration; the Governance and Nominations Committee, which reviews and advises the Board on matters relating to the governance of the Association and nominations (including awards and committee membership); and the Membership & Engagement Committee, which reviews and advises the Board on matters relating to membership and the Association’s engagement with its stakeholders.

The various documents relating to IWA’s governance appear below.



Policies and Procedures

The Policies and Procedures of the Association are listed here but do not form part of the Bylaws. The dates refer to the last revision of the document.
