September 9, 2016
Staff knowledge, skills and motivation are critical factors for delivering high quality water and wastewater services, protecting public health and the environment. What do water organisations do to ensure qualified candidates and...
September 8, 2016
The failure of water services is dramatic, affects thousands of people and businesses, has financial implications and is likely to hit the local, if not the national, headlines. As the saying goes, reputations take a lifetime to b...
September 4, 2016
A year ago, world leaders handed down an ambitious agenda: 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be successfully completed by 2030. This new global framework puts water at the centre of sustainable development, and presents a...
August 31, 2016
(CO-AUTHORS: GERARD SOPPE, JEMIMA SY)   In developing countries, roughly 45 million cubic meters of water are lost daily with an economic value of over US$3 billion per year. A World Bank study puts the global estimate of p...
August 26, 2016
Can you imagine a world in which antibiotics no longer work? Almost a century after Alexander Fleming’s discovery of penicillin in 1928, the era of life-saving, life-enhancing antibiotics may be coming to an end. Antibiotics, ab...
August 19, 2016
Fresh water touches every part of daily life – from drinking water and sanitation, to agriculture and energy production. Unfortunately, for nearly half of the world’s population, water scarcity is a growing issue with deva...
August 18, 2016
Climate change is water change. Increasing global temperatures and changing weather patterns are directly impacting flood risks, and the availability and quality of source waters. While the water sector has to cope with the impact...
August 17, 2016
In response to increasing water scarcity, over the last 30 years desalination has evolved into a viable alternative water supply. It allows us to tap non-traditional water resources with great potential to provide a sustainable, ...
August 16, 2016
The last 20 years have seen much progress towards addressing water losses in urban water distribution systems. So much so, that there basically seems no significant advances left to make, nor completely new methods or technologies...
August 11, 2016
The shortage of skilled labour in the water sector severely hampers our ability to meet current water and sanitation needs, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Addressing the future needs of growing populations, and ...