November 21, 2019
Water 2040: Future Leaders, Insights & Technologies   Key take-aways from an “unconferenced” Innovation Forum   Have you ever attended an “unconference”?  No ‘Death by PowerPoints’, no hierarchical panels an...
November 14, 2019
Technology for the recovery of energy from wastes – Achieving Self-sustenance in Sewage Treatment Plant   The successful operation of a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) not only lies in achieving the desired standards but a...
Water stress and constraint is a growing challenge and concern for many countries in the world.  We have already witnessed and realised the effects of climate variability, extreme events and rapid population growth which has made...
Glyphosate application in Sri Lankan agricultural Lands: do we circumvent Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown etiology? Chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology (CKDu) has been a critical health concern, particularly in the North ...
September 13, 2019
I was recently asked to present on the current and future challenges for a water resources manager to address. We have seen a great deal of change and progress in how we plan for water resources in England over the last decade. Th...
August 27, 2019
Being part of an IWA Specialist Group offers Young Water Professionals (YWP) the possibility to function in an environment they often do not come into contact with as junior employees, or even as water professionals in general. Th...
August 20, 2019
Drainage channels built in early years in Hong Kong were designed primarily for flood protection purpose with less considerations on environmental protection or ecological conservation. To address the impacts of global climate cha...
August 19, 2019
Like many public water distribution networks in the world, water utilities in Vietnam are confronted with limited funding, yet high demand for modernising infrastructure. Aging public water infrastructure that has often not been u...
August 6, 2019
What are Nature-based Solutions (NBS) and do we understand them? There are multiple definitions of NBS but I will use the definition given by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN): NBS are defined as “actions...
July 29, 2019
The low-lying Happy Valley area at Hong Kong, surrounded by hilly terrain, faces frequent flooding during heavy rains. In order to tackle the flooding issue with minimal disturbance to the public and commercial activities at one o...