Christian Loderer

Christian is a Project- and Innovationmanager at Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH where he manages the EC-funded project POWERSTEP ( and develops projects in the field of energy and wastewater. In addition, Christian is highly active in the International Water Association where he sits on the Young Water Professionals Global Steering Committee, the board of the IWA National Committee Austria as well as on the board of the IWA-YWP Chapter Austria. He is also Editor-in-Chief of the IWA National Newsletter Austria which is published twice a year. Prior to joining Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH, he was Senior Researcher as well as Sales Engineer at Aquaconsult Anlagenbau GmbH, working primarily with clients in wastewater sector on how to optimize their energy consumption concerning aeration. Christian hold a M.S in Energy and Environmental Management, Water and Environment from University of Applied Sciences Pinkafeld, a M.S in Water and Environment as well as a PhD in Civil Engineering and University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna


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