New IWA Young Water Professionals Chapter in Peru

As part of IWA’s mission to empower Young Water Professionals to contribute to sustainable water management, a new IWA Young Water Professionals (IWA YWP) chapter was officially established in Peru in November 2024. This IWA YWP chapter will be the country’s go-to network boosting connections for YWPs and a platform to support equal opportunities and quality career development. As a voluntary network, the Peru chapter is open to all water professionals aged 35 or below who are enthusiastic, dedicated, and passionate about water-related issues. Here, Flor Vidal Veiga, Chair of the YWP Peru Chapter, presents some key points about the chapter. 

Q: What was the motivation for setting up an IWA YWP Chapter in Peru? 

Our country faces water stress in many of our regions, so there is a need to implement mechanisms and tools that allow for the efficient management of water resources. Through the creation of this YWP chapter, a new generation of water professionals will be able to access the international water community, which will allow for strengthening the capabilities of the sector. 

Q: How will the chapter contribute to the empowerment of YWPs to contribute to the national water agenda of Peru? 

The IWA YWP Peru chapter will empower young water professionals through collaborative work with national and international professionals, promoting the participation of the new generation of young people in the development of decision-making related to the sector. This will allow the YWP to have an active influence in closing the water and sanitation gap in Peru, as well as the efficient management of water resources by promoting a circular economy. 

Q: What are your aims and objectives for your chapter, and what activities do you plan to do? 

The primary goal of YWP Peru is to create a platform for professional development to address the unique needs and challenges faced by early-career individuals in the water sector especially in Peru. The aims and objectives of the chapter are:  

  • Create a space for knowledge sharing  between YWPs from different countries, not being limited to Peru or Latin America. 
  • Promote the participation of universities and other educational institutions, so that future professionals can access knowledge early. 
  • Promote YWP research through access to international research in the sector. 
  • Promote collaboration and generate links between young people in the sector. 

Meet the founding committee of the IWA YWP PERU 

Mg. Eng. Flor Vidal – Chair 

Sanitary Engineer from the National University of Engineering and Master’s in Public Management from ESAN University, with more than 10 years of experience in the water and sanitation sector. She currently works at the Private Investment Promotion Agency (PROINVERSION) providing technical support for large water and sanitation projects. 

Through her professional activities, she aims to contribute to improving the quality and sustainability of water and sanitation services, as well as the efficient management of water resources in Peru. 


Eng. Wilmer Castillo Villanueva – Vice Chair 

Sanitary Engineer from the National University of Engineering, with Master’s studies in investment projects and more than 8 years of experience in the water and sanitation sector.

Currently working as a specialist at the Peruvian regulatory entity for sanitation services (SUNASS). He has a special interest in sharing and helping to disseminate the national problem of access to drinking water and sanitation services with all the actors linked to the sector. 


Econ. Liseth Asto – Secretary 

Economist from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, with 7 years of experience in the water and sanitation sector. Currently, she works at the National Superintendency of Sanitation Services (SUNASS) providing technical assistance to community organisations in estimating the rate for drinking water and sanitation services, which is called “family quota” in rural areas.

She aims to collaborate with generating greater interest among the Peruvian population in quality drinking water and sanitation services and making visible the challenges for the sustainability of water resources in Perú. 


Rubi Vidal – Communications Director 

Communication student from the University of Lima, with more 2 years of experience in social networks, design, photography, video, advertising and marketing. Currently, she works at ICOAS, a company in the sector of water from Perú. She supports in the communications area in the chapter.  

With her professional experience, the chapter will show growth and dissemination of social media can be achieved, encouraging more Peruvian water professionals to join YWP Perú. She is passionate about raising awareness and contributing to the dissemination challenges related to access to drinking water from Perú. 


Keith Hayward
