Webinar On-Demand

User Experiences in Earth Observation for Water Management

User experiences with EO uptake of Earth Observation data and products

Target Audience

Water utility operators, water utility managers, regulators, academia, policy-makers


This insightful meeting was hosted by the International Water Association’s Earth Observation for Water Management Community of Practice.

Earth observation plays a pivotal role in understanding and managing our planet’s water resources. This meeting showcased real-world experiences and success stories from users who have harnessed these powerful tools. The meeting was open to all water management professionals, environmental enthusiasts, or persons simply curious about the impact of Earth observation technology. It is a great opportunity to expand your knowledge and network with fellow enthusiasts in the realm of Earth observation. Join the IWA EO4WAT Community of Practice today!


Useful Links

Learning objectives

Participants were able to:

  • Gain valuable insights into the practical applications and benefits of these tools
  • Learn from experts who have leveraged Earth observation to create positive changes in their fields
  • Examine case studies and success stories to see how Earth observation has been utilized effectively in different scenarios.


Megan Coffer
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Global Science & Technology, Inc., USA
Sothea Khem
River Flood Forecasting Specialist at Mekong River Commission Secretariat, Vietnam
Ils Reusen
Project Manager at VITO Remote Sensing, Belgium
Brian Eyler
Senior Fellow and Director Energy, Water, and Sustainability, Southeast Asia


Start time 12:30
Language English


Presentations, Polls and Discussions


Webinar Fee