Webinar On-Demand
Circular Economy: Tapping the Power of Wastewater
Target Audience
Wastewater utility managers and consultants; energy recovery researchers and students; water-energy policy makers
Wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) consume large amounts of energy, estimated at between 1% and 3% of global energy output. State-of-the-art facilities consume 20-45 kWh per population equivalent (PE) connected. The target value for WWTPs in German federal states such as North Rhine Westphalia is 20-26 kWh/PE but smaller and older facilities tend to consume much more.
Consequently, research efforts are underway globally to reduce the energy consumption of wastewater treatment. More than 50% of a standard WWTP’s energy consumption occurs during the process of aerobic activated sludge treatment by aeration. An alternative technology involves untapping the intrinsic energy content of wastewater and converting this to gas, producing heat and power.
In this webinar, the current technologies for energy recovery from water and sludge will be presented, along with promising innovations. Topics to be covered include energy recovery from water through district heating and cooling, and energy recovery from sludge through anaerobic digestion and/or incineration. Finally, the future outlook on energy recovery in the water sector will be discussed.
Basic knowledge on the concepts of resource recovery and water/wastewater treatment is expected from participants.
Learning objectives
Following this webinar, participants will:
- Be able to identify potential sources for energy recovery from water and sludge;
- Be in a position to initiate energy recovery projects, including finding resources for relevant information and support;
- Be able to identify future opportunities and challenges of energy recovery in the water sector.
Presentation Slides and Q&A Report
- To view the Presentation Slides from the webinar, please click here.
- To view the Q&A Report from the webinar, please click here.
- To visit the Resource Recovery from Water Cluster page on IWA Connect, please click here.
Webinar Resources
Here are some resources recommended by the webinar panelists:
- IWA Blog Posts (Open Access)
- Tapping the Power of Wastewater in Low-Income Countries; L. Hermann; International Water Association
- Tapping the Power of Wastewater; L. Hermann; International Water Association
- Papers
- Energy recovery from wastewater: Heat over organics; X. Hao, J. Li, M.C.M. van Loosdrecht, H. Jiang, R. Liu; Water Research; 2019 (Open Access)
- The Relevance of Circular Economy Practices to the Sustainable Development Goals; P. Schroeder, K. Anggraeni, U. Weber; Industrial Ecology; 2019 (Open Access)
- Anaerobic digestion and the circular economy; F. Tessele, J.B. van Lier; Water e-Journal; 2020 (Open Access)
- Biogas technology research in selected sub-Saharan African countries – A review; A.M. Mshandete, W. Parawira; African Journal Of Biotechnology; 2009 (Open Access)
- Changing Mesophilic Wastewater Sludge Digestion into Thermophilic Operation at Terminal Island Treatment Plant; R. Iranpour, S. Oh,
H.H.J. Cox, Y.J. Shao, O. Moghaddam, R.J. Kearney, M.A. Deshusses, M.K. Stenstrom, B.K. Ahring; Water Environment Research; 2002 (Open Access) - Spectroscopic surrogates for real time monitoring of water quality in wastewater treatment and water reuse; G.V. Korshin, M. Sgroi, H. Ratnaweera; Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health; 2018
- A review on wastewater sludge valorisation and its challenges in the context of circular economy; A. Gherghel, C. Teodosiu, S. De Gisi; Cleaner Production; 2019
- Full-Scale Thermophilic Digestion at the West-Southwest Sewage Treatment Works, Chicago, Illinois; R.R. Rimkus, J.M. Ryan, E.J. Cook; Water Pollution Control Federation; 1982
- Books
- The role of anaerobic digestion and biogas in the circular economy; A. Fagerström, T. Al Seadi, S. Rasi, T. Briseid; IEA Bioenergy; 2018 (Open Access)
- Podcasts (Open Access)
- The Circular Economy Show; The Ellen MacArthur Foundation
- Websites (Open Access)
- Energy and resource recovery from wastewater; State of Green
- The wastewater utilization in Kakola heat pump plant; Global District Energy Climate Awards
- Kakolanmäki Wastewater Treatment Plant – Overview; Turun seudun puhdistamo Oy
- Kakolanmäki Wastewater Treatment Plant – 360 Degree Tour (in Finnish); Turun seudun puhdistamo Oy
- POWERSTEP (Finished Horizon2020 project about energy use in WWTPs); POWERSTEP
- Outotec Sludge Incineration Plant; Outec
- Videos (Open Access)