August 10, 2016
Thanks to the threats posed to human health and the environment, and the economic costs of its treatment, wastewater from domestic, industrial and agricultural processes has been considered a serious problem for a long time. Howev...
July 27, 2016
Water loss management is one of the most important issues facing water suppliers around the world. The Sustainable Development Goals have made poverty alleviation and access to safe drinking water a political priority. Targets on ...
July 22, 2016
Flood mapping is increasingly used as the basis for assessing and planning flood-protection measures, and can become a sound method to enhance the preparedness of communities and businesses to extreme weather events. Flood mapping...
July 19, 2016
Populations are growing and urban areas are expanding. If UN projections are correct, in 2050 there will be over 6 billion people living in cities, roughly two out of every three people on the planet. Planning cities now and in th...
July 18, 2016
Seizing water opportunities at Africa Water Week The adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate agreement provides an unprecedented opportunity to tackle the major water issues facing Africa today and in t...
July 14, 2016
In moving towards a more sustainable world, we are encouraged by policy makers and thought leaders to apply a ‘systems’ approach and seek ‘integration’. For water management, the vague interpretation of these terms makes t...
June 29, 2016
We live in a time of rapid change, one in which water crises will define our world over coming decades. Water has been ranked as the most significant global risk over the next 10 years, but is also central to many of the other top...
June 24, 2016
The IWA’s Cities of the Future Programme (CoF) is gearing up for an exciting year ahead. This October, IWA will be hosting the World Water Congress and Exhibition 2016 in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, where CoF will host a Ci...
June 21, 2016
Ensuring water and sanitation services for all depends on securing appropriate financing, an issue that has long been a major challenge for the water sector. The adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) makes this chal...
June 20, 2016
Humanity cannot thrive and survive without water. Cities cannot function without water. A simple, but powerful reality. And yet, the pace of planning, innovation, governance, stakeholder collaboration and level of citizen engageme...