February 13, 2020
It seems that everywhere you go in the Water Industry somebody is talking about Digital Transformation. 5 minutes ago, it was Water 4.0, and 10 minutes ago (it seems) it was “Smart Water”. These are all very well used buzz wor...
December 20, 2019
IWA has published 45 blogs throughout 2019 and they have altogether garnered an impressive 25K views. We are grateful for the contributions from our bloggers and for our readers. Thanks to you, the IWA blog has become a reference ...
December 17, 2019
World Water Camp 2020 is a week of unique educational experiences for a group of 50 students from around the world. Life as we know it today, could not have developed without water. Water. The elixir of life. Who would have though...
December 16, 2019
After many years of attending IWA events, my involvement at IWA’s 6th Water and Development Congress in Colombo, Sri Lanka  two weeks ago took a different turn. Being part of the Organising Committee of the Emerging Water L...
The urbanisation trend is an undeniable fact worldwide in large and small cities all over the globe. Water supply and sanitation are two of the most fundamental pillars for the sustainability of city inhabitants. Many cities in Ce...
December 9, 2019
Recounting the experiences shared by my colleagues from the Young Water Professionals community about the 2017 World Water And Development Congress & Exhibition in Buenos Aires – Argentina, made me yearn to have an experien...
December 4, 2019
I see it…the headline grabs me – just do it…why not – the International Water Association – seemingly one of the biggest organisations in the world, supporting all aspects of sustainable water management ...
December 3, 2019
Water is an essential, yet finite resource. The increasing population and rapid urbanization exert an ever-increasing stress on the water resources. This poses a serious threat when it comes to ensuring water security for the futu...
November 28, 2019
Water stress in different regions of India has made people to accept Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) desalinated water as an alternate solution to alleviate drought. However, the following myths and misconceptions still exists amo...
November 26, 2019
 Using storm water solutions to create a better city. Examples from Copenhagen   Last month Copenhagen was the host of the C40 Mayors summit. Here more than 1000 mayors, city planners etc. from the world’s most ambitious g...