There are 89 blog results matching your term digital.

Media results

89 media pages matching your search term 'digital'

June 28, 2017
If my academic and professional experience has taught me anything, it is that Noam Chomsky got it right when he said, “We have two choices. We can be pessimistic, give up, and help ensure that the worst will happen. Or we can be...
January 24, 2017
Developing relationships and engaging in conversations help to build knowledge and improve effectiveness to address water management challenges Water managers across the globe, by the nature of our profession, face daily challenge...
October 13, 2016
As the ideas for tackling water shortages dwindle, governments are being encouraged to seek advice from young people to catalyse new thinking in management approaches and research areas. The Austrian Ministry of Environment and Wa...
October 4, 2016
Last week, Communication Director Magazine, the magazine of my professional communications association, dropped through my letterbox. I opened it, flicked through it, and read some articles about a recent conference I attended. Re...
January 6, 2016
The spreading and sharing of ideas, technical innovations and scientific knowledge between geographically distant peoples has been one of the central benefits of globalisation. This diffusion of knowledge has been happening for mi...