There are 89 blog results matching your term digital.

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89 media pages matching your search term 'digital'

May 20, 2020
Expanding water treatment globally is not only a key enabler for creating a better world for humankind. Water treatment can also contribute to fighting climate change and reduced CO2/GHG emission; the term ‘greenhouse gases’ (...
April 22, 2020
The Water Industry is set to embrace several changes in the coming years due to rapid urbanisation, severe climate changes, rising customer demands and emerging digital technologies. These changes will present businesses with a co...
March 23, 2020
COVID-19 and ‘Chasing for Water’: Let’s revisit the Everyday Experiences of Water Access in Poor Urban Spaces.   “……in most parts of our world, people struggle to get regular clean drinking water let alone get...
February 20, 2020
Meet the IWA experts and membership at the 20th AfWA International Congress & Exhibition in Kampala, Uganda | 24-27 February 2020 … and join us at our IWA booth C12 in the Exhibition: see the booth programme. Young Water...
December 20, 2019
IWA has published 45 blogs throughout 2019 and they have altogether garnered an impressive 25K views. We are grateful for the contributions from our bloggers and for our readers. Thanks to you, the IWA blog has become a reference ...