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89 media pages matching your search term 'digital'

April 1, 2021
Insufficient public and municipal investment represents a major challenge for the long-term management of urban water infrastructure. In Germany, over the last decade, the annual investment for sewer rehabilitation amounted approx...
March 15, 2021
In recent months, there have been numerous news reports and discussions around the so-called ‘build back better’ agenda. It is a phrase which has become popularised due to its usage by key actors, such as the UN and the World ...
January 6, 2021
In 2015, the vast majority of countries committed to limiting global warming during a summit in Paris, France. Since then, a growing number of countries have put in place legally binding dates by which to reach net zero carbon. Gi...
December 18, 2020
Firstly, I wanted to wish you a very happy festive season and all the best for the New Year. We are truly grateful to all our members for their hard work, dedication, and continued support – it’s your efforts that make IWA so ...
December 10, 2020
The global water industry today is facing multiple challenges, including leakages, contamination and managing limited resources. These challenges are not limited to developing countries. For instance, Melbourne, Australia, recentl...