IWA Learn

The place for learning & professional development in the Water Sector

Professionals in the water sector require continuous development to be able to stay abreast with the changing environment circumstances. No matter in which stage of your career, IWA provides you with guidance and opportunities to build up the competences required to succeed. This includes a set of tools on how to develop your career, as well as opportunity of professional updating, learning, training and networking.

Short-term courses

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Self-paced courses

Water Balance Essentials

Water Loss Research and Analysis English from 180 GBP Water Balance CONTINUOUS COURSE

WaterProof virtual course

TNC EnglishGlobalOnline from 0 AUD WASH; water management CONTINUOUS COURSE

#5 H&H Essentials: Hydrostatics and Open Channel Flow

Australian Water School EnglishGlobal from 195 AUD Determine annual exceedance probabilities from historical gauge records CONTINUOUS COURSE

#4 H&H Essentials: Stochastic Hydrology

Australian Water School EnglishGlobal from 195 AUD Determine annual exceedance probabilities from historical gauge records CONTINUOUS COURSE

#3 H&H Essentials: Flow Routing

Australian Water School EnglishGlobal from 195 AUD Develop design hydrographs and calibrate model results to observed flow records CONTINUOUS COURSE
View all permanently available online courses


Strengthening Water and Sanitation Regulatory Systems: A Global Call to Action

IWA, WHO, UNICEF, the Gates Foundation, World Bank, ADERASA, ESAWAS, and LIS-Water Portugal EnglishOnline Free Water Policy, Water Regulation, WASH ON DEMAND

Recognising and Learning from Climate Smart Utilities

IWA, GWOPA and WATERWORX EnglishOnline Free Climate Smart ON DEMAND
View all webinars

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Tools for organizers

How to organize IWA Supported Training

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How to organize a Webinar

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How to organize a Soft Skill learning session

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