February 26, 2016
2014 IWA World Water Congress Exhibition
Water underpins every aspect of human and environmental existence. The severe water challenges facing the world today require an unprecedented global response. IWA members and staff are situated in more than 140 countries worldwide, forming the large...
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Jane Dooland October 9, 2016
Australia has a long history of frequent droughts. Consequently, much of its water management has been geared to coping with drought. Storages have been built t...
Leon Awerbuch and Corinne Trommsdorff September 14, 2016
In an era of increasing water scarcity, coupled with continued population and industrial growth, climate change and environmental degradation, we need to conser...
Samuela Guida August 10, 2021
Future City Flow was implemented to visualize and communicate the effects of measures undertaken and to identify target values as part of a 10 years plan, and h...
Keith Hayward