May 9, 2019
The effect of climate change on the hydrological cycle is becoming a growing phenomenon and resulting in impacts including flood and drought events, disappearance of glaciers, decrease in groundwater recharge, and water quality de...
Climate change
April 10, 2019
Copenhagen is a northern harbour city which has experienced a number of severe rainfall events, namely cloudbursts, with the largest pouring down in July 2011. The damages amounted to around 1 billion US dollars, and climate proje...
January 18, 2019
Una guía internacional sobre el enfoque WaCCliM La Hoja de Ruta Hacia una Empresa de Agua y Saneamiento Urbano con Bajas Emisiones de Carbono ofrece a los gestores de empresas de agua y saneamiento un enfoque para dar respuesta a...
January 18, 2019
An international guide to the WaCCliM approach The Roadmap to a Low-Carbon Urban Water Utility presents utility managers with an approach to address their most pressing challenges, while reducing carbon emissions through measures ...
Climate change
December 8, 2017
Dhesigen Naidoo, Water Research Commission, South Africa, describes a new world order of extreme weather events globally, a rise in population and consumption, and the commitment to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. This me...
Climate changeKeynotesSociety
November 27, 2017
The renowned economist Jeffrey Sachs introduced 3Ts: Trade Resources; Transform Water for Safe Use; and Traits of crops resistant to drought; and 3Fs Finance, Fairness and Funding. Jeffrey D. Sachs is a world-renowned professor of...
Climate changeIndustrySociety
November 27, 2017
Resilience and sustainability are key to water professionals. Dealing with climate change and delivering the Sustainable Development Goals is paramount to the water sector and the world.
Climate changeUrbanisation
November 27, 2017
Water, from risk to reward – in a transformative way from IWA on Vimeo. Global urbanization provides many opportunities for growth, prosperity, innovation, emancipation, equality and prosperity. At the same time, rapid popul...
Climate change
September 4, 2017
The flood and Drought Management Tools project ( is developing a decision support system (DSS) with appropriate technical applications facilitating the inclusion of information about floods, droughts and future s...
Climate changeSociety
June 19, 2017
The current drought ravaging parts of Eastern Africa and the subsequent famine triggered largely by failed rains is enough proof that water indeed is life. The lack of sufficient water in the environment will not only threaten the...