Climate-Smart Utility Case Story
Namibia has limited surface water resources, and most of its rivers are ephemeral, as they are highly dependable on the erratic and seasonal rainfall and thereby only flows intermittently. The country’s bulk water utility, Namibia Water Corporation Ltd (NamWater), plays a crucial role in the implementation of measures to alleviate climate change consequences. Through innovation, NamWater has implemented adaptative, mitigation, and leadership efforts toward climate action. Notably, the development of rural brackish water reverse osmosis membrane plants powered by standalone hybrid renewable energy (solar and wind), connections of water bulk water supply infrastructure to transfer water to demand area and minimize evaporation, drilling of deeper groundwater boreholes and artificial recharge of groundwater aquifers. The outcome is lowered greenhouse gas emissions, improved water quality, and increased water availability. The utility further modified its operational energy consumption through addition of solar power to reduce its grid energy needs.
NamWater has also taken a leadership stance in capacitating its employees and citizens through an enabling work-learning environment and vocational training. Climate awareness and participatory approach was also actioned through an interactive national water security and climate change workshop and community information sharing sessions in rural areas on the effect of climate change on groundwater quality. A collaborative approach to the national water issue was also taken through planning with key stakeholders for development of seawater desalination and wastewater reclamation plants. Valuable lessons learned were drawn from implemented measures.
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