William H. Richardson
President: 1988-1991 (IWSA)


William H. Richardson

Distinguished Pioneer

Professional background

William H. Richardson (1929 -1997) was the Managing Partner of Alvord, Burdick & Howson, at the time a leading international water engineering firm. He received his BS in 1952 in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois. He made lasting contributions in four specific areas, including: Water Supply Projects for Developing Countries, Large Domestic Water Supply Projects, Expert Witness Testimony and Author and Co-Author for several technical publications, papers, textbook chapters, AWWA Standards and guidelines for water systems design and operation.

Bill was President of AWWA, is in the Water Industry Hall of Fame and helped found Water for People.

Major contributions to IWA

Bill actively led AWWA’s support and participation in the International Water Supply Association (IWSA) to help propel its growth globally.  He was at the time only the second American to become President of IWSA – 1988 -1991.  His enduring contributions to IWSA included strengthening IWSA’s technical publications with the introduction AQUA and Water Supply for greater member participation trough technical article submissions, as well as establishing better communications between IWSA and the international water community for the betterment of the worldwide water practice.  During Bill’s time as President of IWSA, he helped create the first IWSA World Water Conference held in Latin America – in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in September 1988.  He also worked extensively and participated in many events to strengthen and gain IWSA membership in Latin America, Japan and the Asia-Pacific Region, India, and across Africa.

Author: Andrew W. Richardson, USA