Prashansha Gupta recently worked as Project Coordinator in Akhil Bhartiya Samaj Seva Sansthan, Banda associated with Water Aid India. Her work on WASH especially focused on Water was recognized by Banda District administration at Innovation & start-up summit 2019 where she represented the model of Rain Water Harvesting.
She was in the core team for the first ever district wide campaign titled “Bhujal Badhao, Peyjal Bachao Abhiyaan” Banda by District Administration of Banda. The campaign covered wells and Hand Pumps in all 470 Gram Panchayats of Banda for organizing Jal Choupal and resulted into construction of 2605 contour trenches creating an annual recharge capacity of around 11001 KL around drinking water sources.
She continued working for second phase campaign “Kuwa Talab Jioa Abhiyaan” in Banda district which covers rejuvenation of ponds and wells and also construction of Rain water harvesting model (RWH). She has received honour as Jal Girl from UP Singh secretary of Jal Shakti Ministry for her excellent efforts in the “Kuwa Talab Jioa Abhiyaan” at Banda.
She has a Masters degree in Business Administration specialized in Advertisement and Marketing Communication and has professional experience of 3 years.