Natalie Lamb
YWP Chapter Coordination - IWA YWP Steering Committee


Dr Natalie Lamb RSci MIWater MRSB, Innovation Delivery Manager at Spring, brings global technology, concepts and innovation to the UK and Irish water utilities, around specific problem statements. This problem statements can be in a multitude of different topic areas in locations from source to source. Natalie’s varied career has well-equipped her for this role. It includes having experienced the supply chain for >2 years, the water utility Anglian Water for >6 years and academia, including a PhD and MSc from the University of Sheffield and Cranfield University.


Natalie complements her love of innovation and research communication through voluntary efforts, for example by acting as a Visiting Researcher at the University of Sheffield. She also supports young people in the water sector through various roles including being on the IWA Young Water Professionals (YWP) Steering Committee in the role of YWP Chapter Coordination, Chairing the IWA YWP in the UK and Chairing the Institute of Water National Young Persons Network.