Lars Therkildsen
CEO at HOFOR (Greater Copenhagen Water Utility)


Lars Therkildsen is CEO of HOFOR – Greater Copenhagen Utility, the biggest multi-utility company in Denmark. It is owned by eight municipalities in the metropolitan area of Copenhagen. HOFOR distributes drinking water to around 1 million consumers, while handling wastewater and supplying Copenhagen with sustainable district heating, district cooling and town gas. HOFOR also owns the power plant ‘Amagerværket’ – and is building wind turbines, on and offshore, and solar power plants. The vision of HOFOR is to create sustainable cities through green, cheap and reliable means. The focus is on climate change adaption, protection of the water resource and no-carbon energy supply.

Lars Therkildsen has many years of experience within the water sector, and since the 1980s he has held a number of management and executive positions within utilities. He was appointed CEO of Københavns Energi (Copenhagen Energy) in 2008. This company merged into HOFOR in 2013. Lars Therkildsen also holds a number of executive board positions, e.g. Chairman of the Board of DANVA, the trade association of water suppliers in Denmark.