Keiji Goto

Tailored Professional Tribute

Keiji Goto

Distinguished Departed Pioneer

Professional background

Keiji Goto (1927-2013) started his career as a waterworks engineer at the Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks (TMW) in 1949. Steep population and economic growth in Japan followed the reconstruction of destroyed land and infrastructure after the end of WWII. In this context, Japan had to develop new waterworks facilities to meet the ever-increasing demand for water.  In this period, Dr. Goto acted not only as the key professional engineer of TMW but was also a key contributor in the development of national-level tools supporting the construction of new waterworks facilities, in particular the Waterworks Facility Development Guidelines and the Waterworks Operation and Maintenance Manual, published by the Japan Waterworks Association.  Reflecting his contributions to both waterworks science and practice, he was invited to be a professor at Tokyo University. He received his PhD from Hokkaido University under the supervision of Professor Tambo in 1982.

Dr. Goto contributed to many Japanese Government grand aids projects such as the Indonesia Group Training Project implemented from 1973 to 1975. These projects had major impact on the development of waterworks in many Asian countries.  He was awarded the Order of the Second Treasure for his contribution to the Government in 2013.

Major Contributions to IWA

The 1979 Kyoto IWSA World Congress, chaired by the IWSA President Professor Ishibashi, was a great success. Building on this event, Professor Ishibashi established the first IWSA Asia-Pacific Water Regional Conference series (ASPAC). Dr. Goto followed this up by acting as the regional director of ASPAC, and in so doing, enhancing regional activities in the water sector with an emphasis on cooperation. This ASPAC regional conference series was incorporated under the leadership of Professor Tambo into today’s IWA-ASPIRE regional conference.

Author: Yasumoto Magara, Japan