Heinz Bernhardt


Heinz Bernhardt

Distinguished Pioneer

Professional background

Heinz Bernhardt (1929-1996) studied chemistry in Marburg, where he graduated with a doctorate in 1957. Directly after his studies, he started his career at Wahnbachtalsperrenverband, where he became manager of the new treatment plant at the Wahnbach Reservoir. In 1960, he was appointed technical director, and held this position until his retirement in 1994. He was very active in several technical committees of the German Association for Water and Gas (DVGW), among others as chair of the technical committee for drinking water management for 29 years. He published very intensively in national and international journals on all aspects of drinking water management. Among numerous awards, he received an honorary professorship from Aachen University of Technology in 1973.

Major Contributions to IWA

Heinz Bernhardt was very active in several national and international organisations. He was one of the founders of the German Association of Drinking Water Reservoirs (ATT) in which he led the scientific committee for 25 years. He had a great number of friends in all parts of Europe and in many countries abroad. His involvement in the standing committee on water quality and treatment of IWSA and his activity as scientific and technical editor of Aqua were very fruitful. He steadily improved the journal to the renowned status it has today. In 1993, Heinz Bernhardt received an honorary membership of IWSA.

Author: Norbert Jardin, Germany