Fabio Masi
R&D Manager and Technical Director, IRIDRA


Fabio is Technical Director, R&D Manager of the Italian engineering company IRIDRA Srl, since 1998. His background is a PhD in Environmental Sciences, 1996, University of Rome and an MSc in Environmental Chemistry, 1991, University of Florence. He has been the organizer of the 12th IWA SG ICWS conference in Venice in October 2010 and the Chair of the International Water Association Specialist Group on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control since 2012 to 2016. He’s now the Chair of the Task Group on Nature Based Solutions for Water and Sanitation. He is associate Editor for the IWA journal Water Science & Technology since 2010 and reviewer for several journals. He is the project co-author for over 450 Designs of Constructed/Treatment Wetlands for wastewater treatment and reuse. Regular lecturer and speaker in numerous university masters in Italy, France and Spain, public and NGO organized conferences, courses and seminars in sustainable sanitation, environmental chemistry, water and air pollution, wastewater natural treatment, EIA. Visiting Professor at the Oceanology Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Sopot (PL). Author of more than 90 scientific (60 peer reviewed papers) or informative papers and books, including the current official guidelines for Constructed Wetlands design in Italy. He has been consulting for Sustainable Water Management and Wastewater Treatment projects in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America. He has been and is currently involved in EC funded projects in the Horizon2020, ENPI CBCMED, FP7, FP5, Alcotra, Interreg and Life+ programs. Since 2012 to 2014 he’s been also consultant for Agreco GEIE as evaluator of EC proposals, and he has covered the same role for MWH Global for the period 2014-2016. He’s one of the founders, representing IRIDRA, of the professional association Global Wetland Technology, where he’s vice-president since 2013.

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