Anastasios Karakostas
Researcher, CERTH-ITI


Dr. Anastasios Karakostas received the  Degree  in  Computer  Science  and  the  PhD  degree  in Computer Science Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece. He is a Researcher with ITI-CERTH. He has participated in numerous European and national research projects, as technical manager or WP leader, and is the author of more than 60 publications in refereed journals and international conferences. Currently, among other projects, he is deputy coordinator of the H2020 DRS project aqua3S (which supports safety and security in existing water networks), project risk and mitigation manager of the H2020 DRS project INGENIOUS, project innovation manager of the SC H2020 project SAFERS. Moreover, he was the deputy coordinator of the DRS H2020 beAWARE project, which was considered and evaluated as a success story from the EU. His research interests include  decision  support  systems for disaster management,  multimedia  analysis,  ontologies  and  semantic  information modelling and  reasoning.  He  has  served  as  a  reviewer  in  international  Journals  such  as  Computers  and Education,  IEEE  Transactions  on  Learning  Technologies  and  as  Technical  program  committee  in  well reputed conferences and workshops such as CSCL, IEEE ICALT. He is a member of the EU Community of Users for Secure, Safe and Resilient Societies and the chair of the International Workshop on Intelligent Crisis Management Technologies for Climate Events (ICMT) in ISCRAM 2018, 2019 and 2021