Anastasia Moumtzidou received her diploma degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2006, her first MSc degree dealing Advanced Systems of Computers and Communications in 2009, and her second MSc degree dealing with Informatics and Management in 2011, all from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Since 2007 she has been working as a research associate in CERTH-ITI and her research interests include software engineering for database systems and web-based applications, semantic multimedia analysis and image indexing and retrieval, and artificial intelligence techniques related to visual analysis. She participated in the development of the interactive video retrieval engine VERGE ( that has been used to compete in the related TRECVID competitions in years 2007-2019. She has participated in several European projects (e.g. PATExpert, hackAIR, MULTISENSOR, EOPEN, acqua3S) dealing with advanced patent document processing techniques, orchestration of personalized environmental services, large scale knowledge sharing and reuse across media, development of artificial intelligence techniques for identifying the content of EO and non-EO images. She is the co-author of 9 journal, 3 book chapter and 59 conference publications.