Ana Soares
Professor of Biotechnology Engineering, Cranfield University

Dr Ana Soares is a Professor in Biotechnology Engineering specialised in environmental water protection and resource recovery currently working at Cranfield University in the UK. She holds a PhD in Environmental Engineering from Lund University, in Sweden and a MEng in Biotechnology Engineering from Algarve University in Portugal.
Her work focuses in municipal as well as industrial wastewater management, proposing innovative and economically feasible solutions to produce high quality effluents and product recovery. Prof Soares research explores the underpinning science required to develop and manage bioreactors employing new biological organisms, cultures or pathways in order to develop or optimise technologies and deliver the circular economy. Her scientific findings have resulted in leading-edge processes and technological innovations that contribute, worldwide, to sustainable solutions for effluent treatment. She is particularly successful in bridging the gap between science and application, working in close collaboration with industrial and institutional stakeholders. Prof Soares in an IWA Fellow, active member of various national and international committees, the editor in chief of the Water and Environment Journal and associate editor for Water Research.