March 12, 2018
If we are to achieve the globally agreed Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), between now and 2030 we must provide access to safe drinking water to almost half a million people, and access to improved sanitation to a million peopl...
While attending a recent event, a representative of an international development agency argued that, if we had spent as much money on sanitation as we have on drinking water, the seemingly endless sanitation crisis in many part of...
February 5, 2018
The case of Egypt’s Law 48 on wastewater reuse and discharge Egypt, once revered as the “gift of the Nile”, has relied so heavily on the river as the primary source of fresh water for cities, industry and agriculture, that t...
February 2, 2018
For the first time in human history, over half of the world’s population, around four billion people, live in cities or urban areas. This trend has been accelerating over the last few decades, and currently the global urban popu...
January 12, 2018
Here are the top 5 most read blogs of 2017. If you want to submit a blog for consideration in 2018, contact us. 1. Desalination – Past, Present and Future In response to increasing water scarcity, over the last 30 years desa...