Science and engineering help us understand the world and change it for the better. For example, advancements in drinking water, from germ theory and handwashing to filtration and chlorine disinfection, have substantially reduced d...
Ah, to be young and carefree! The youth are full of creative energy and dynamic ambition. Being young is a time for endless possibilities. But it is also a time of creeping self-doubt and frustration — a sense that one is not ma...
Unpredictability has been a trend in 2020, with COVID-19 being one of the greatest challenges in a generation. However, we must not forget the ongoing threat of climate change which is connected to a myriad of events such as the t...
In Copenhagen, Denmark, the local utility company Frederiksberg Forsyning has invested in intelligent pumps and advanced pump control with Grundfos DDD – Demand Driven Distribution – to reduce water leakage and energy ...
During the last year of my MSc degree in water and environmental engineering, I had the opportunity to do an internship in research and development on the optimisation of nitrification and denitrification in wastewater treatment p...