September 12, 2022 IndustryMembershipSociety

Empowering Communities to Shape Sustainable Water Solutions

9:00-9:50, Hall A1, Bella Center

The World Water Congress & Exhibition is underway, the water community is gathered in Copenhagen discussing water for smart liveable cities. On 13 September 2022 (9:00-9:50) Dawn Martin-Hill, Chair in Indigenous Studies at McMasters University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, will give a keynote speech on how to incorporate indigenous knowledge to shape sustainable water solutions.

Dawn Martin-Hill (Mohawk, Wolf Clan) holds a PhD in Cultural Anthropology and is one of the original founders of the Indigenous Studies Program at McMaster University in Canada. She is the recipient of a US-Canada Fulbright award, Outstanding Teaching Award from the Aboriginal Institutes Consortium, and she has received grants from SSHRC, CIHR and the Ontario Trillium Foundation. Her research includes: Indigenous knowledge & cultural conservation, Indigenous women and the contemporary practice of Indigenous traditionalism. She has also produced three documentaries about historical traumas, indigenous knowledge and traditional practices. The latest film, “Sewatokwa’tshera’t: The Dish with One Spoon” (2008), is about the Haudenosaunee reclamation of traditional lands. Dawn is passionate about community empowerment, sustainability and traditional environmental conservation practices. Most importantly she is keen to share sustainable water solutions incorporating indigenous knowledge.

The final programme is now available. Please click here.