April 12, 2021 SDGs

Consultation Open – Call to Action on Regulating for Citywide Inclusive Sanitation

In June 2020, the International Water Association launched a new initiative, ‘Regulating for Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (R-CWIS)Through this initiative, in collaboration with representatives from regulators and organisations across the globe, IWA aims at identifying the needs, opportunities, and tools for action to support and inspire regulators in their contribution to achieving citywide inclusive sanitation in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals 

The key outcome of the first year of the initiative is a Call to Action on Regulating for Citywide Inclusive Sanitation. The Call to Action is a short, concise document aimed engaging and mobilising regulators to support the achievement of Citywide Inclusive Sanitation. 

IWA are pleased to announce that a consultation process for relevant stakeholders to kindly provide their individual feedback on this document is now open until Sunday 25 April 2021.  

Relevant stakeholders may include: Regulators and those with supervisory function over the provision of water and sanitation services, service providers, policy-makers, international organisations, sanitation NGO’s, academic institutions etc. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]