• extreme poverty

Master Lecture: Sanitation in Low-Income settings

Organization International Water Association
Author Barbara Evans
Year 2017
Topics Urban Water Management, Wastewater systems, Water & Health, Water & Cities, Water & society
Level of action Water & Sanitation services/ Utility level


One of the biggest challenges to achieve SDG 6 is to ensure that sanitation reaches the poorest and more vulnerable at a faster pace than ever before. In this lecture, the development of alternatives to conventional water borne sewage in dense urban areas will be discussed with particular consideration of technical and financial constraints faced by low income communities to implement conventional solutions. Emphasis will be made on reaching goals on health and safety by developing effective strategies from management and disposal of feacal sludge within community sanitation schemes in the global south.

Professor Barbara Evans holds the chair in Public Health Engineering in the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Leeds.  Her research activities centre on sanitation, hygiene and water services in the global south.