In his keynote Shinichiro Ohgaki speaks about the aspects of the uncertain world in which we live and highlights the importance of development in science and technology for a sustainable future. The two major changes we face are either structural or unpredictable which are long term phenomena or rare occurrence. New knowledge and innovative technology need to be developed. New technology can create unpredictable development into the water sectors, and can have a great impact on society.
Phenomena such as dynamics of population, urbanisation, and global climate change, along with the increasing occurrence of extreme weather events such as floods and droughts are a source of great uncertainty to the water sector. How should we deal with this uncertainty? To design our sustainable water future, we can no longer rely solely on our previous experience. We need to develop new knowledge and innovative technology that builds upon the lessons from past experiences.What kind of innovative changes have unleashed in science and technology that are of relevance to the water world? How could we fuse science and technology in different fields? And how do we bridge the gap between science and practice? One answer is diversity. Diverse knowledge and technologies are necessary for the future of the water sector.