• Sanitation
  • Emergency

Compendium of Sanitation Technologies

Organization Eawag, German WASH Network, WASH Cluster, Sustainable sanitation alliance
Author Eawag
Year 2018
Topics Treatment Technologies, Wastewater systems, Water & society
Level of action Water & Sanitation services/ Utility level


Although humanitarian WASH interventions primarily focus on immediate life-saving measures, the humanitarian community has been increasingly confronted with longer-term protracted crises often situated in urban and camp contexts. This community faces the need to serve refugees and host communities at the same time and to better link relief with rehabilitation and development.

The Compendium of Sanitation Technologies in Emergencies is the humanitarian response counterpart to the existing “Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies” (2014). Building on the original Compendium, it disaggregates sanitation systems into their functional components and clarifies terminology used, the application ranges and the input and output products for emergency sanitation systems.