For professionals working with - or aiming to work with - disasters and relief operations.
Early identification of technically sound and sustainable water and sanitary interventions is crucial when it comes to saving lives and preventing diseases in almost any disaster situation.
Experience gathered during recent disaster operations demonstrates the urgent need for highly skilled professionals with specialised expertise in water supply and sanitation, as the lack of interdisciplinary personnel has proved to be a barrier to efficient and effective response.
The course is designed in such a way that each participant attains the knowledge and skills necessary for prompt action in recovery situations, especially in developing countries.
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge on Water and sanitation issues in different settings and accepted approaches/guidelines to deal with them;
Analyze and apply this knowledge to assess and prioritize the water and sanitation needs for a population in emergency situations in a variety of practical settings, adjusting to time and resources available;
Design and develop appropriate water and sanitation strategies for taking appropriate measures to avoid disease outbreak situations in emergency situations