Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

Tata Institute of Social Sciences, School of Rural Development, Tuljapure, India Master of Science


The Masters of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programme aims to train students for a career in WASH mostly dealing with planning, implementation and management aspects of community led WASH programme. The study of WASH, involves the larger study of the conditions that determine the availability, access and use of facilities pertaining to WASH. It also includes understanding the role and implications of social, cultural, environmental, technological and governance factors that determine the ultimate health conditions of people in a community.

Course Objectives

This programme is designed to orient the students towards building a conceptual and practical understanding of current WASH related challenges. Accordingly, the course is intended to provide adequate social, technical and managerial skills required for strengthening the state of good WASH practices for the planning and implementation of national, district and Panchayat to community level WASH programmes. Graduates are expected to undertake meaningful research, policy planning and implement supporting the WASH programme guidelines.

The programme includes taught courses, an internship engagement, on going field work practicals and exposures and a dissertation presentation .