Use of New Water Sources for Crop Irrigation in the Middle East

ELLS, International School for Agricultural Sciences Water & agriculture

Target Audience

Students who are interested in the use of new water sources for crop irrigation in the Middle East. Applicants should belong to the European Union or Prospective EU countries


The course will introduce the students to fundamentals, legal and technical aspects of water and wastewater treatments and the use of wastewater in agriculture. Effects on soil, crop yield and physiology, as well as on potential hazards to the environment and to human health will be discussed in depth. The participation of partners from the ELLS Environment Science Group as well as researchers from the Palestinian Authority will broaden the scope of the course. The course topics will include a series of lectures, discussions with experts, and technical excursions. 

Learning Objectives

– Water management under climate changing conditions;
– Economics of non-conventional water irrigation;
– The soil-water-plant continuum;
– Water recycling, effects of water quality on crops;
– Plant physiology under water stress;
– Irrigation with treated wastewater in the Middle East;
– The politics of water in the Middle East;
– Introduction of pollutants of emerging concern (i.e., active pharmaceuticals) to the agricultural environment, etc.