Turning Wastewater into the added-value Products Citric Acid and Carbon Black, and into Energy

Incover Dialogue Workshop


INCOVER is holding its very 1st Stakeholder Dialogue Workshop on the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research’s (UFZ) Case Study “Turning Wastewater into the added-value Products Citric Acid and Carbon Black, and into Energy” in Leipzig on 29th June 2017. The workshop will take place from 9:00-14:00 at the UFZ premises.

To sign up, please send an email to: water@iclei.org.

Learning Objectives

Participating in this dialogue workshop will give you the opportunity to get up to speed with latest wastewater treatment technologies with which you can :

1. Produce citric acid via a yeast-based biotechnological process.

2. Biogas via co-digestion with industrial C-rich substrates.

3. Ready-to-use soil fertilizers via a hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) process transforming waste biomass.

For more information on case study 3 see: http://incover-project.eu/case-study/case-study-3

The combination of these process will enable a material and energetic re-cyclization of wastes, thereby contributing to closing life cycles in the bio-economy. Preliminary results are very promising and indicate that the INCOVER yeast-based process is a very suitable option for organic acid and biogas production.