Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management

National University of Singapore Master of Science


The Master of Science (Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management) programme, or M.Sc. (HEWRM) in short, is hosted by the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering. The programme accepts both full time and part time students.

A candidate must successfully complete a programme of study consisting of at least 40 Modular Credits (MCs). At least 30 MCs must be at graduate level within the subject or in related disciplines offered by the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering. For other modules, prior approval must be sought from the Head of Civil & Environmental Engineering Department or his nominee.

Course Objectives

1. Wave Hydrodynamics and Physical Oceanography
2. Coastal Processes and Sediment Transport
3. Hydroinformatics
4. Environmental Modelling with Computers
5. River Mechanics
6. Project