The course is designed for professionals (engineers and scientists) active in the water sector, especially those involved in using simulation models for water management.
Numerical modelling of spatial and temporal processes is of major importance in many studies of the natural and human environment. Computer simulation models help us to understand better the processes involved and can predict future changes. The second week of this course introduces model construction using the PCRaster Python modelling language. The modelling language has been developed to free the modeller from problems with data input and output and provides a large range of basic primitive operators at the level of understanding of the researcher.
Upon completion, the participant should be able to:
1. Convert tables to GIS data
2. Join attribute tables
3. Calculate new attributes
4. Convert between different GIS formats and projections
5. Georeference a scanned map
6. Digitize vector layers from scanned maps
7. Delineate catchments and streams