Assessing Climate and Energy Performance of Water and Waste Water Utilities

The Water and Wastewater Companies for Climate Mitigation (WaCCliM) project (IWA - GIZ) Climate mitigation in utilities

Target Audience

Members of the WaCCliM expert pool will have a first option to attend the training. But we are open for applications. Target audiences that can apply are:

- International experts who aspire to become WEC advisors, advising and supporting local experts and training of technical utility staff
- Local experts (from Thailand, Mexico, Peru and Jordan) who aspire to become WEC advisors, supporting and training technical utility staff

To apply send your cv to for consideration.


In this training, experts on water and waste water technologies will be trained to become international Water, Climate and Energy (WEC) advisors to be paired with utility staff or local experts advising utilities in Low and Middle Income Countries, as part of the WaCCliM project.

Participants will develop the skills to utilize the web-based ECAM tool and to assist utilities in understanding their energy and climate performance. The purpose, functionalities, types of data and result analysis will be illustrated via hands-on tutorials and group discussions. WEC advisors will also develop the capacity to support utilities in implementing improvement measures by following the steps of the WaCCliM Roadmap. This roadmap is being developed into an international guideline that includes tools, case studies, methodologies and lessons learned that have been applied in the four pilot countries Thailand, Peru, Mexico and Jordan.

Learning Objectives