June 12, 2018
IWA member Prof. Satoshi Takizawa from Tokyo University talks about key points of the water sector in Japan. Join him at the #WorldWaterCongress in Tokyo, 16-21 September 2018. Learn more: http://worldwatercongress.org/forums/
June 7, 2018
Throughout history, securing a reliable and safe water supply, and dealing with wastewater, have been two of the driving forces behind the development of human populations. Entire civilizations have grown and vanished in response ...
June 4, 2018
The three major challenges in the water sector can be summed up as too little, too much or too dirty. Water use over the last century has been growing by more than twice the rate of population increase. A central challenge for sus...
May 31, 2018
The Forum focuses on the resilience of water supply, drainage and wastewater systems in cities. It is a unique opportunity to learn about the Japanese experience from the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 in recovering the funct...
May 30, 2018
The UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 on Clean Water and Sanitation lies next to Goal 7 on Affordable and Clean Energy. This is probably not an accident as these two goals are so intertwined we often hear them referred to as the w...
May 29, 2018
The winners of the Dreampipe Challenge, an innovation prize competition part of the wider UKAid funded Ideas to Impact Programme that aims to stimulate creative solutions across climate change adaptation,WASH, and energy access,...
May 24, 2018
One of the very first things that struck me when I came to the Netherlands, was how inconsequential drinking water was for people. Virtually, every household can drink water directly from the tap. The situation back in my country ...
May 22, 2018
I have been interested to read the IWA Principles for Water Wise Cities, designed to help leaders deliver safer water and sanitation through integrated planning. It is a great body of work with principles that I would endorse. Ye...
May 15, 2018
Decoupling of biogeochemical cycles: will we be able to face this challenge? Biogeochemical cycles comprise a sequence of events where chemicals or molecules move through the ecosystem, they include cycles for carbon, oxygen, nitr...
May 14, 2018
Heidi Snyman talks about Water Basins in South Africa. Urban stakeholders have a critical role to play in preserving the freshwater resources on which they depend. A disruption in supply of freshwater resources to cities can have ...