In October 2020, thousands of water professionals, colleagues and friends were to convene in Copenhagen. We were ready to share with you how we achieved bathing water in our harbour, how we combine climate change adaptation with u...
IWA Announces New Initiative & Webinar Series: Regulating for Citywide Inclusive Sanitation The International Water Association (IWA) has launched a new IWA initiative: Regulating Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS). This ini...
The International Water Association (IWA), in partnership with the International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME), is pleased to announce the winners of the ISME/IWA BioCluster Award 2020: The Grand Prize has been awarded to P...
Water Stewardship: License to operate? After 200 years of industrialisation where water was used rather thoughtlessly and our natural resources and environment were almost neglected, the winds of change have begun to blow the rece...
A network demonstrates its strength during crisis times How an international conference and a global pandemic drives collaboration in youth networks and beyond Amazing things can happen when people bring something else to the tabl...
Danish Minister for Environment, Lea Wermelin, welcomes you to Denmark! The 2021 IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition is focusing on Water for Smart Liveable Cities. During the Congress water professionals from all around the...
Day by day, the energy accounts of many Danish wastewater treatment plants are looking better and better. Consequently, many wastewater companies look into a future, with potential energy self-sufficiency. Wastewater is increa...
In November 2019, the Danish government established 13 so-called ‘climate partnerships’ with the private sector, covering the entire Danish business community and its emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG). Each of the 13 climate...
In Germany, April is usually one of the wettest months. This year, the country only received 5% of its usual rainfall, and the river Rhine, which works as the most important trade route in Germany, is on the verge of drying out. T...
A publication and a set of tools have been released as outcomes of IWA’s project on Public Participation in the Regulation of Urban Water Services. ‘Guidelines for Public Participation in the Regulation of Urban Water ...