June 26, 2016
Water Regulation in Kenya from IWA on Vimeo.
June 24, 2016
The IWA’s Cities of the Future Programme (CoF) is gearing up for an exciting year ahead. This October, IWA will be hosting the World Water Congress and Exhibition 2016 in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, where CoF will host a Ci...
June 23, 2016
The White Paper, the main outcome of the Science and Technology Process of the 7th World Water Forum, is a praiseworthy result of the World Water Forum processes. The paper has been prepared by prominent water experts working toge...
June 23, 2016
This paper is a report on Triggering Cooperation Across the Food-Water-Energy Nexus in Central Asia, a workshop convened by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the International Water Association (IWA) a...
June 21, 2016
Ensuring water and sanitation services for all depends on securing appropriate financing, an issue that has long been a major challenge for the water sector. The adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) makes this chal...
June 20, 2016
Humanity cannot thrive and survive without water. Cities cannot function without water. A simple, but powerful reality. And yet, the pace of planning, innovation, governance, stakeholder collaboration and level of citizen engageme...
June 17, 2016
The President of the International Water Association (IWA), Helmut Kroiss, and Fernando Morcillo, President of AEAS (the Spanish Association of Water Supply and Sanitation), have launched the official Spanish group of young wa...
June 14, 2016
This report addresses a critical issue facing mayors in cities around the world: access to clean and adequate water supplies. The growth of urban populations, coupled with incidences of sudden climate stress and long-term land deg...
June 14, 2016
More than half of humanity now lives in cities. Large cities alone represent US $21.8 trillion in economic activity, or 48 percent of global GDP. All cities, regardless of size, need a clean, consistent water supply to thrive, so ...
June 14, 2016
Increasing urbanisation and economic growth provide significant benefits, but also pose a range of challenges especially for water quantity and quality. Water, energy and food security rely on water infrastructure. Recognition of ...