Community Organizer:

With a single registration you will have access to both conferences including a joint day where performance assessment will be discussed as a key success factor in infrastructure asset management.
Canada is the eighth largest water market in the world and is recognized for its high maturity in municipal asset management practices. It is also home to more than 100 water-related institutions and facilities that support primary and applied research. The conference will be a unique opportunity for utilities and regulators to exchange best practices.


  • LESAM - Communicating with, and engaging stakeholders, in Infrastructure Asset Management (IAM)
  • LESAM - IAM and natural infrastructure (Transitioning to nature-based solutions; Asset management of natural assets; Governance: roles, responsibilities, ownership…)
  • LESAM - Innovation: methods, technologies and trends
  • LESAM - Innovation: methods, technologies and trends
  • LESAM - Case studies of Leading Edge SAM
  • LESAM - Management systems for IAM (ISO 55000; Value in asset management; Performance assessments in asset management)
  • LESAM - Infrastructure Asset Management to future-proof your organization (The circular economy; Resilience & risk management; Climate change adaptation)
  • PI - Benchmarking and performance assessment
  • PI - Definition and establishment of performance assessment systems
  • PI - Decision-making support tools based on performance indicators
  • PI - Benchmarking as a regulatory tool
  • PI - Benchmarking as a tool for financial institutions
  • PI - Successful experiences in different countries
  • PI - Measurement of environmental impacts
  • PI - Management of service contracts with performance indicators
  • PI - Performance measures to support the management of infrastructure resources
  • PI - Performance assessments in asset management