AWA/IWA Young Water Professionals Conference 2018
Local organizer
Australian Water AssociationCommunity Organizer
Young Water ProfessionalsThe fifth Australian Young Water Professionals Conference is a co-branded event presented by the Australian Water Association and the International Water Association. In 2018, we are delighted that this event, to be held in Melbourne, will include the Victorian YWP Regional Conference, which is a highlight in the calendar each year. Building on the conference theme in 2016 of Connect. Collaborate. Create, 2018’s theme is Connect. Collaborate. Accelerate. Collaboration between industry, research and government will continue to be explored as well as the value of connections. Acceleration will cover not only how ideas can be accelerated into action for a sustainable water future, but how young water professionals can accelerate their professional development. Each of the previous conferences drew approximately 120 young water professionals from both national and international scenes; similar success is anticipated for this event. The program will cover 2 ½ days and for the first time include a regional site visit