AWA/IWA Young Water Professionals Conference 2018

Local organizer
Australian Water Association
Community Organizer
Young Water Professionals

The fifth Australian Young Water Professionals Conference is a co-branded event presented by the Australian Water Association and the International Water Association. In 2018, we are delighted that this event, to be held in Melbourne, will include the Victorian YWP Regional Conference, which is a highlight in the calendar each year. Building on the conference theme in 2016 of Connect. Collaborate. Create, 2018’s theme is Connect. Collaborate. Accelerate. Collaboration between industry, research and government will continue to be explored as well as the value of connections. Acceleration will cover not only how ideas can be accelerated into action for a sustainable water future, but how young water professionals can accelerate their professional development. Each of the previous conferences drew approximately 120 young water professionals from both national and international scenes; similar success is anticipated for this event. The program will cover 2 ½ days and for the first time include a regional site visit

Event topics
Connect: Network with inspiring Young Water Professionals and build connections for future collaboration.
Connect: Continuing professional development over two days through workshops, presenting and networking
Collaborate: How can we strengthen partnerships between research, industry, universities and government.
Collaborate: Interdisciplinary alliances (including specialists outside of the water sector)
Collaborate: How can we engage with our customers and communities on a local, national and/or international level
Collaborate: How can we deliver projects with multiple stakeholders and meet their expectations
Accelerate: How to capture and hold the interest of a diverse range of stakeholders to address ‘wicked’ water problems.
Accelerate: Innovation at all stages of project delivery, from options analysis to functional and detailed design, from community engagement through to construction.
Accelerate: How the water industry can leverage other industries and government sectors to achieve better outcomes for the community (e.g. integrated landscapes, value capture, preventative health).
Programme Committee
Darryl Day
Felicity Gould
Michael Webber
Previous editions of this event
Event details
Type Congress
Country Australia
City Melbourne
Start date 22 Feb 2018
End date 24 Feb 2018
Upcoming deadlines
Abstract submission deadline
Call for papers open